

Astonishing Anvita Ivana

If anyone thinks of a best-gated community in Kollur, then it surely must be Anvita Ivana. Six towers are being constructed on a total...

Don’t trust these fraudsters!

A message has been doing the rounds in WhatsApp groups for some time now that says, ‘A company is taking eighteen acres of land...

First in Narsinghi, cycle station set up

It has more than 40 electric bicycles, 200 bicycles. Bicycles will run on the 24-kilometre-long cycle track established adjacent to the Outer Ring Road. Although...

Anvita’s Achyuta Rao is an amazing developer..

Essence Principal Architect M Satyanarayana Anvita Group MD Achyuta Rao’s vision aligns with mine. He is always looking to provide new conveniences to buyers. I...

Reasons to invest in Anvita Ivana

Anvita Ivana, who has started a beautiful project in Kollur, all the way from Dubai, is finishing its construction work at a fast pace....

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